The Storyteller
Immerse all of your special people in the incredible story of how you came to be. Let me tell your love story in the most authentic way. It will be the perfect mixture of humour and heart sure to deliver on all the feels.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Non obligation meeting to see if we fit together
In Person catch up to Complete and lodge the NOIM (notice of intended marriage) and all other necessary legal paperwork and get all the planning done together.
Unlimited communication - This just means I'm here when you need me!
Getting to know you and what you are looking for/wanting for your ceremony so that can deliver something that is perfect for you.
Becoming a friend that you can feel comfortable with on your special day, knowing that you are in the safest of hands.
Guiding you through all options available to you for your wedding ceremony
Writing a personalised and unique ceremony that reflects you and your personalities in the most authentic way.
Assistance and guidance when preparing your marriage vows, if you choose to write them.
Travel to the ceremony location up to 50km from Perth CBD. (Further travel expenses may apply for change of location)
Solemnisation of you marriage and Epic delivery of your marriage ceremony, setting up all the good vibes to make your ceremony the best it can be.
Supply of your Commonwealth Presentation Marriage Certificate on the day of ceremony.
Lodging of all official paperwork with WA Births, Deaths and Marriages post ceremony.
PA system (if needed) , that you are welcome to connect to for any ceremony music. I bring 2 PA systems to every wedding so there is always a back up should we need it.
Printed Vow cards for you to keep so you don't have to remember to bring them along on the day
Total Investment $1200
No Bullshit, Just Love
For the lovers wanting something short and sweet with zero fuss but all of the vibes, this one is for you. There's still vows and rings and all that Jazz, but you don't have to tell your story if you don't want to.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Non obligation meeting to see if we fit together
In Person or online catch up to Complete and lodge the NOIM (notice of intended marriage) and all other necessary legal paperwork and get all the planning done together.
Unlimited communication - This just means I'm here when you need me!
A short and sweet pre written ceremony without all the added personal bits
Becoming a friend that you can feel comfortable with on your special day, knowing that you are in the safest of hands.
Guiding you through all options available to you for your wedding ceremony
Assistance and guidance when preparing your marriage vows, if you choose to write them.
Travel to the ceremony location up to 50km from Perth CBD. (Further travel expenses may apply for change of location)
Solemnisation of you marriage and Epic delivery of your marriage ceremony, setting up all the good vibes to make your ceremony the best it can be.
Supply of your Commonwealth Presentation Marriage Certificate on the day of ceremony.
Lodging of all official paperwork with WA Births, Deaths and Marriages post ceremony.
PA system (if needed) , that you are welcome to connect to for any ceremony music. I bring 2 PA systems to every wedding so there is always a back up should we need it.
Printed Vow cards for you to keep so you don't have to remember to bring them along on the day
Total Investment $850
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Grab 2 witnesses and sign the papers
A Legals only ceremony - say a couple of words and sign the papers with 2 witnesses
In Person or online catch up to Complete and lodge the NOIM (notice of intended marriage) and all other necessary legal paperwork and get all the planning done together.
Unlimited communication - This just means I'm here when you need me!
Travel up to 30km from Merriwa WA, or bring your witness at have it at my place.
Solemnisation of your legal marriage ceremony.
Supply of your Commonwealth Presentation Marriage Certificate on the day of ceremony.
Lodging of all official paperwork with WA Births, Deaths and Marriages post ceremony.